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We love Greater Wausau


A Family on Mission

At River City, we see ourselves as more than a Sunday worship gathering, we’re a family committed to living out the Gospel together. From Sunday gatherings to House Churches, we prioritize authentic relationships and shared lives as we pursue God’s mission in our city.

Growing in Gospel Fluency

We believe the Gospel impacts every area of life. That’s why we’re passionate about helping each other grow in Gospel fluency (learning to speak, live, and apply the good news of Jesus in everyday situations). Through intentional discipleship and spiritual practices, we’re growing to be more like Jesus.

Serving our City

Our love for Jesus drives us to love our city well. Whether it’s sharing meals, offering support, or meeting practical needs, we aim to be a tangible expression of God’s love to those around us, living out the Gospel through acts of service and hospitality.

Our Family Habits




A Church of House Churches

We believe God has called us to be a church of House Churches - a family of smaller, Gospel-centered communities that live out the mission of Jesus together. While we gather as a larger body on Sundays, our House Churches are where authentic Gospel community is built. They're spaces where we share meals, pray together, care for one another, and grow as disciples who make disciples. 

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Romans: The Good News

The book of Romans is one of the most powerful and life-changing letters ever written. This year, we're diving into its rich truths, taking breaks along the way to let it sink in. Our first section, The Good News, focuses on Romans 1-3, where Paul unpacks the beauty of the Gospel - why we need it, how it saves, and the hope it brings. Join us as we discover why this message truly is the best news ever.

A Jesus-Centered Family

Sundays at 9:00AM + 10:30AM

on mission to love God, love our city, and make disciples of Jesus Christ.

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