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As each member of the body loves, serves, and commits to one another, we can more fully demonstrate and declare the gospel to others. For us to go and do what Jesus has commanded us to do, we must go together and do together

We have serving opportunities for every personality, skill set, season, and schedule. No matter your age and stage of life, you bring something special to our church family. 

Kid City

KidCity is our children’s ministry uniquely designed for kids to experience Jesus on their level! As a KidCity volunteer, you will have the opportunity to care for babies, preschoolers, and elementary-age children. No matter your role, you will be helping to create a safe, fun, and age-appropriate environment for kids where the Bible can come to life and relationships can be built.

Worship & Production

If you love music, writing, or production, Worship & Production is for you. Worship & Production volunteers engage our senses at gatherings through audio, video, and lighting. Worship & Production offers opportunities to serve at every gathering from Sundays to special events. We are always looking for musicians and vocalists who love connecting to Jesus and others through song.


Security volunteers provide peace of mind at any gathering by protecting our church family and keeping facilities secure. Security volunteers can serve on Sunday mornings as other planned events. If you have an eye for detail, aren’t afraid to dive into adverse situations, and are passionate about seeing others meet Jesus, Security could be for you.

Host Team

Host Team volunteers aim to welcome and serve guests. Whether it’s serving a hot cup of coffee, helping someone find a seat, or some other act of service, our goal is to help people experience Jesus and His Church. Our Host Team offers a wide variety of opportunities to serve before, during, and after all of our Sunday gatherings.


You never get a second chance to make a first impression. Facilities volunteers get that. These men and women create a clean and welcoming environment for all River City gatherings. Serving opportunities are available on Sunday and throughout the week. This is a perfect team for anyone who enjoys serving behind the scenes.

Now the full number of those who believed were of one heart and soul, and no one said that any of the things that belonged to him was his own, but they had everything in common...
There was not a needy person among them...

Acts 4:32,34
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