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Living Out Good Works Beyond Sunday

Updated: Mar 4

We all know that Sunday sermons are meant to equip us, challenge us, and send us out, but what happens after Sunday? How do we actually live out what we hear in a way that transforms our everyday lives?

This past week, we talked about good works. Not as something we do to earn God’s love, but as something we step into because His love is already ours in Christ. Ephesians 2:10 tells us that we are "created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand, that we should walk in them."

That means good works are not about proving anything. They are about walking in the life we were designed for. They are about seeing every part of life through the Gospel, not separating faith from work, home, or relationships, but living in a way that demands a Gospel explanation.

Bringing the Gospel Into Every Part of Life

For a lot of us, good works can feel vague. We may think it means serving in a ministry, volunteering at a shelter, or going on a mission trip. While those are amazing things, and incredibly important for us to do, the good works God has for you are not just found in big moments. They are woven into your everyday life.

Good works happen at home in how you love and serve your family and how you extend grace when it is hard. They happen at work in the way you treat your coworkers and how you reflect Jesus in your integrity and effort. They happen in conversations through the words you choose, the way you listen, and the encouragement you give. They happen in your neighborhood when you engage with the people around you, show hospitality, and care for others.

There is no sacred or secular divide in the life of a follower of Jesus.

Jesus did not just preach in synagogues. He met people in homes, at wells, and in workplaces. His ministry happened in the everyday rhythms of life. That means your good works are not separate from your "regular" life. They are what happens when you live life through the Gospel.

How Do We Actually Live This Out?

So how do we move from just hearing about good works to actually walking in them? Here are a few practical ways to start.

1. Abide in Jesus (John 15:4-5)

"Abide in me, and I in you. As the branch cannot bear fruit by itself, unless it abides in the vine, neither can you, unless you abide in me."

Good works do not start with trying harder. They start with abiding in Jesus. If we are not connected to Him, we will burn out, become exhausted, or start doing things for the wrong reasons. The more time we spend with Him through prayer, Scripture, and listening, the more His Spirit transforms us to walk in the works He has prepared for us.

2. Ask God to Show You the Good Works Around You

Sometimes we miss the good works God has for us because we are looking for something bigger. But walking in good works is about obedience in the small things.

Ask yourself where God has already placed you. Who has He put in your path today? What need do you see around you that you could meet?

3. Walk in Obedience, Even When It Is Hard

James 1:22 reminds us, "But be doers of the word, and not hearers only, deceiving yourselves."

It is easy to hear a message and feel inspired, but walking in good works means acting on what we know. Maybe that means forgiving someone, stepping into a conversation about faith, or serving in a way that stretches us. Obedience is what moves our faith from theory to reality.

4. Invite Others Into the Journey

We grow in walking out our faith when we do it together. Find people who are committed to living out the Gospel and encourage each other. Pray together, challenge each other, and share where you see God working.

Want to Keep Digging Deeper?

If you want to keep growing in this, here are some incredible books that have helped me and a lot of other followers of Jesus see good works as a natural part of everyday life.

  • Gospel Fluency by Jeff Vanderstelt – A powerful book on learning to see and speak the Gospel into every part of life.

  • Liturgy of the Ordinary by Tish Harrison Warren – A great resource for recognizing how everyday routines can become acts of worship.

  • Every Good Endeavor by Timothy Keller – Explores how faith and work are connected, helping you see your job as a place of calling and mission.

  • The Call by Os Guinness – A deep look into what it means to live out your God-given purpose in every part of life.

  • Work Matters by Tom Nelson – A book that helps believers integrate faith into their daily work, reminding us that our jobs are places where we live out our faith.

  • Practicing the Presence of God by Brother Lawrence – A classic that teaches how to experience God’s presence in even the smallest tasks.

Your Next Step

This week, ask God to open your eyes to the good works He has already placed around you. Step into them, not as a way to prove yourself, but as a way to live out who you already are in Christ.

You were designed for more. Now, go walk in it.


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