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Romans 2 for your Family

Family Devotional

As a church family, we’ve been diving into the book of Romans, and this week’s message from Romans 2, reminded us of an incredible truth: God cares deeply about the condition of our hearts. His kindness, patience, and mercy aren’t meant to make us comfortable in our sin, they’re meant to lead us to repentance and transformation.

We know that conversations about faith can sometimes be hard to start at home, so we’ve created a simple resource to help you and your family think about God’s kindness and how it shapes our lives. Whether you’re sitting around the dinner table, gathered in the living room, or riding in the car, this is a chance to dive deeper into the truths we’re learning together.

Watch the Devotional Video

Before you begin, we encourage you to watch this short devotional video together. In it, we unpack Romans 2:4 and explore how God’s kindness invites us to turn away from sin and turn toward Him. This is a great way to set the tone for your family time!


Family Discussion Resource

Read Together:

Start by reading Romans 2:4-11 as a family.

Discuss what it means that “God’s kindness is meant to lead us to repentance.”

Discussion Questions:

  1. Why do you think God cares more about our hearts than our outward actions?

  2. Can you think of a time when you experienced God’s patience or kindness?

  3. What are some ways we can live out our faith as a family?

Family Activity:

Write down examples of God’s kindness that your family has experienced. You could even turn it into a “kindness collage” to display somewhere in your home as a reminder of His goodness.

Prayer Time:

Spend time praying together, thanking God for His kindness and asking Him to transform your hearts. You can take turns praying or share one big prayer as a family.


Why This Matters

Leading your family in a conversation about faith doesn’t have to be complicated. It’s not about having all the answers, it’s about creating space for God to work in your hearts and your home.

As you walk through this simple resource, remember that the goal isn’t perfection. It’s about connecting with one another and with the God who loves us more than we can imagine.

We’re praying that this time together will be a blessing to your family, and we can’t wait to hear how God moves in your lives!

Let us know how this resource has impacted your family by leaving a comment or sharing a story. We love hearing how God’s Word is transforming lives!


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